So, I watched this special on the Discovery Channel tonight-"The Real Jesus" it was called. I was kind of excited going in, just thinking that it would be interesting to watch. What was I thinking? I should have realized it was THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL!!!! Now, I like the Discovery Channel, don't get me wrong. But, of course, you're coming from the perspective of science when dealing with anything on there right? It was interesting from an archaelogical point of view, but when they start dissecting why Jesus might have taught the things he taught, and where his views might have come from, well let's just say it left a lot to be desired for me.
Of course they can't prove he's the Son of God, and they weren't really trying to do that. I don't think they were trying to disprove it either. I think they were just trying to establish the political climate of the time. What just really chapped my hide I guess is that they just didn't get it! They seemed to think that He just kind of dreamed up his entire gospel based on his human background, no clue did they have that the Gospel came from His father. Our father. That it was established long before Christ even began His mortal ministry. They hint that he just sort of picked up where John the Baptist left off, and took things from there. At one point some stupid comment was made that his "agenda" included free health care, free food and something else--I can't even remember the exact phrase anymore. It was just ridiculous to me.
Anyway,,,, I'm just SO grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!!!!!
I agree-these things drive me bonkers. Like with The Da Vinci code--it was a fun read, but I couldn't figure out why Dan Brown was stuck on an either/or situation: either Christ was mortal or divine.
I wanted to scream, "He was BOTH, you idiot!"
(That, and the basis for his argument--that if Christ was married he was therefore mortal--made no sense.)
I've seen this particular special before. It kind of makes me sad that people have to be so intellectual, if you know what I mean. They don't allow themselves to have simple faith. I suppose it's kind of human nature to try and logically and scientifally explain his existence. His impact on the world. The phrase (and I will paraphrase) "lean not unto thy on understanding" comes to mind. Some people just seem to think that they know better and can explain everything away. I'm grateful to have faith and a gospel perspective on this. I hope this made sense, because I'm barely making sense to myself. It must be the fact that I only slept a couple of hours last night. Please, forgive me for my ramblings. ☺
Those shows ALWAYS do 2 things to me.
first they TICK ME OFF to the hight degree.....
second they just confirm to me that the Gospel is true and that i am so thankful to know of a surety that my Heavenly Father lives and so does His Son, Jesus Christ. It actually strengthens my testimony.
I don't usually watch these specials, for the very reason you describe. They are scientific shows, not religious ones.
This is the kind of thing that makes me love people like Pres. Eyrings father---a scientist with faith---yeah!
GRRR these things just make me want to bang my head!! I too am so grateful to be a member of the CHURCH!! thank thank thank you God!
hey mikki :)
I had to leave a comment with my nwe profile pic & name... so you know who i am ♥
Well what do you expect from morons? Oops can I say that.
Drop over to my blog sister. I have something for you
You just can't prove FAITH with science. Or the feeling of the holy ghost.
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