First month of summer!!
Lazy days by the pool.....
Girls Camp!
They seemed to really enjoy it. They were put off a little by the people who hang out outside the temple grounds and try to convince visitors that Mormons are evil. Ashley thought they were pretty rude and disrespectful.
She is pulling away from the church a little more every day, but it's nice to hear that she still has respect for people of faith and that she doesn't appreciate those who belittle or denigrate others for their beliefs.
Ashley's patio garden.
Cherry Tomato
And Carrots.
Jupiter and Venus were pretty close to each other and brighter than normal as well. It was pretty cool to view.
We tried to make smores in a solar oven. Didn't really go too well even considering the hundred plus degree weather we enjoy here.
And I don't even know what to say about this.