Ashley started middle school today. Sixth grade in a new home, new ward, new school. She even has to ride the bus this year. Huge HUGE change from just walking out the door and across the street. I didn't do so badly with her, although I did forget to take her picture this morning. I got her to the bus stop and the bus was about twenty minutes late. I was this [-] close to just driving her to school, but they really recommend that the kids ride the bus at least the first few days of school so they know which bus to catch, where the stops are etc. etc....
I really didn't like not being able to walk onto campus with her this morning, making sure she got to her first class ok and all that. I'm sure she's fine with it though. I came home and cried.
She got to school ok, a few minutes late. sigh.
Haley, I was doing fine with., even remembered to take her picture. She was ready to go an hour before school even started. I guess I didn't give much thought to what traffic would be like this morning. I mean in the back of my mind I knew it would be bad, but again since we used to just be able to walk out the door and cross the street to get to school I wasn't thinking clearly. We left about five minutes before the school grounds opened. I didn't count on all the traffic. What would normally be a two minute drive down the street and around the corner (the school is one mile away), took about twenty minutes. I manged to finally find a spot to park, managed to get Haley across the street, just as the bell was ringing. Didn't get the chance to walk her onto the school grounds because I realized at that moment I'd left my camera and phone in the car with the windows down. So, I'm hoping she found her classroom ok. We attended the open house last week, so she knows which class she's in, but still it IS a new school for her this year too, and I'm sure she was nervous.
Tomorrow, we're walking! I think that will be the much more sane option and it'll be great exercise!