So Friday was payday, supposed to be a good day right?
Look what happened on my way to pick up my last severance check......
My girls were with me, thank goodness nobody was injured! I got a few scrapes from the blasted air bag though.
A burn from the stupid air bag. It's blistering now.
This kind of cracks me up. Also from the air bag. Can you see the sad face?
So, the auto adjuster came and looked at my car today. Can you believe it? He thinks it might have to be totalled! Doesn't seem like enough damage to me to total it. But apparently it might cost more to repair than the car is actually worth.
We are not happy with the prospect of having to try to get into a new vehicle.
SERIOUSLY not happy with the thought of car payments. :(
I think if the air bag hadn't deployed I could probably still drive it around. Not sure I'm sold on airbags as of this moment. Of course, I don't know what would have happened without it, so maybe I should just be grateful?

Sounds like it was his fault. Hopefully his insurance will pay for it!
Glad you are OK!
What a bummer!! I'm glad everyone got out of it OK. It could have been a tragedy and not just for the car!
Oh Mikki I'm sorry. I know my husband's car is worth way more to us then it's actual monetary value. We had to have his fixed and found a place that gave us a great deal. If the insurance just offers you money- I can give you the name/ address of the place and maybe they can fix it for close to what the insurance gives you. Accidents are no fun no matter whose fault it is! Glad everyone is okay.
Sad face for sure!! Sorry Mikki!
So sorry to hear that this happened. I am so glad that no one was seriously injured. What scare. I hope that you can figure out your car siutation soon. Take care.
I'm with everyone else! So glad no one was horribly injured except the car. But I so hear you about getting into a new car! We are about to pay off ours so I am just waiting for something to happen so we have to keep making a car payment!!
Oh, how scary for you! Isn't it crazy that airbags that are supposed to save your life cause injuries? I hope you heal quickly and aren't too sore today!
That is such a bummer but I do have to tell you that when they total a car the insurance often gives you alot more than the car is worth. I hope that is the case with you.
Air bags scare me - I am glad you only got a few minor arm injuries.
Sorry to hear about this. These things have a way of working themselves out. I'm just happy everyone is alright.
Glad you are all mostly okay. A burn from an airbag? Who knew?!?
I hope it all works out with insurance.
That really stinks! I was hit once by a left-turn driver kind of the same situation. Made me nervous every time I came up on a yellow light for awhile. Glad no one was seriously hurt. Hope it all works out.
Yikes! How scary. Im so glad everybody is ok though. It really stinks that they have to total it.
Glad you and your children are OK. I don't like air bags!
:-( I guess you just have to be grateful for how bad this could have been, but I know how stressful this must be! I'm really glad you're all ok.
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