Man, where is the time going? I feel like I have so much to do before Thursday, and NO time to do it. Hopefully next year, I'll be much more prepared. My two little extra
nonhelpers this year are really kicking my butt I guess.
I just got all my Christmas cards out this morning! I was up 'til past midnight last night, writing them out and addressing them, and yada yada yada. There's really no excuse for that. I've just been really lazy.
My little nonhelpers got me up at 5:30 this morning, and I was all set to put them right back to bed, but then started thinking, that maybe I should just tackle the pile of presents that still needed to be wrapped. So, I'm very happy to say, they are pretty much all wrapped, and big sisters' are none the wiser. Ya'ay! (although, miss Ashley is questioning the validity of Santa Claus. She's pretty sure he doesn't really exist. This because she caught the tooth fairy red handed this past year, and now she figures that if the tooth fairy isn't real, then Santa and the Easter bunny aren't either).
So, on the agenda for today is cookie making and of course, I've got to make some fudge.
I had really wanted to post my favorite Christmas recipes over on my food blog, but I just haven't had the chance lately. So, maybe that will be late, like my Christmas cards.
Tomorrow, probably more treat making. I must say, I am feeling a little less stressed now that the presents are wrapped.
For our family home evening last night, I just sat the girls down in front of the computer, and we watched the
Nativity that Motherboard posted on her blog a while back, then I bore my testimony to them of my belief in and love of the Savior. Ashley got teary eyed, so sweet. I told her she was feeling the Spirit testifying to her. It was a very sweet and preicous moment.
My sister in law called this morning, and we're having brunch at their house on Saturday, along with our present exchange. Yumm!!! Let me tell you, my sister in law is
THE best cook in the world. We're planning on waffles and all the fixings. I need to go find a good chocolate chip waffle recipe. If you have any good waffle or syrup recipes, send them my way!!
In case I don't make it back before the big day, and if I don't make it by your blogs, which is highly probable (not that I don't want to, believe me, I love visiting all of you);

Merry Christmas!!!
Hope you have a beautiful Christmas day, filled with your loved ones, and wonderful food, and warm memories, and of course, the most important part, our Saviours love.