For their birthday post, I thought I'd highlight just a couple of things these little guys have taught me.....
- Never pray for patience!!!---You'll be tested!
- Little boys are awesome!---I never knew what I would do if I had a boy. The thought was just alien to me. But man, oh man! They are wonderful. So sweet. So funny. So cute!!!
- God provides.---Here's where this post gets a little long. When we found out we were having twins, I'm sure you can imagine our reaction. Would they be healthy? How were we going to handle them? How on earth were we going to pay for them? Our insurance at the time sucked! After the first ultrasound, we'd essentially used it up. And we were going to be needing more ultrasounds--like one a month, and not just the care of my OB, but also a specialist in high risk pregnancy's. Can you say $$$$$$$? Factor into that the recommendation that I not work all the way up to my due date, because it's just harder on a multiple pregnancy, and we were stressing over money big time. We really need both our incomes to get by. Well, things have a way of working out and oh yeah, #4 Tithing works!!! Miraculously, Jon got transferred to a different yard at his work, which subsequently entitled us to better health insurance; we got a really good tax return that year, enabling me to take that early maternity leave which consequently in my opinion ensured the good health of my gestation. I carried my little guys to 37 weeks, which is full term for a twin pregnancy. I would have probably gone even further if the doc hadn't already scheduled my c-section.
5. Visiting Teaching is awesome, so is the love and support of your family: My awesome visiting teacher, Tate and my sister in law Laura planned a wonderful baby shower where many wonderful sister's in my ward turned out to support me. They helped provide many of those essentials we needed. I didn't have to buy a single diaper for a full six months!!!! And of course after their birth, both my mother and my mother in law came to stay for a month or so each and really, really greatly helped me in those difficult first few months.
So, there you go. Just a few of the wonderful things these little boys have helped me to see.
I love them so much. I didn't know how on earth I could ever handle two, how I could love them as much as their big sisters, how I could love one as much as the other. But, I look at them every day, and I think to myself, how could I have ever been happy without them? They complete our family. They have brought us so much joy and laughter. I can't imagine my world without them.
SO, Happy Birthday to my little monkeys!!!!!
Thanks for picking me to be your mommy,
though I'll never understand why.

Happy Birthday you cute little Monkey's!
Wow, we've known each other for almost 2 years, I remember when you were posting pictures of these little guys in laundry baskets and tearing books off shelves. My, how they've grown!
p.s. LOVE your list! It excites me and gives me hope in having boys - AND - twins, as twins run on both sides of Clark's and my family. ♥
No way!!! Are they two already!! WOW...isn't it amazing how that tithing thing works. :) Happy Birthday to some pretty smart boys (they picked you didn't they!)
This post just brought tears. So beautifully written and you can sure feel the love you have for your boys and family and friends.
I'm another one that is so thankful for tithing and all the great blessiings it brings.
Happy Birtday Monkeys! Enjoy your special day.
Happy Birthday to the little boys. and Thanks for that sweet post Mikki! It is so wonderful to hear about others faith and I love to hear about the church in action. Aren't we all lucky to know Tate. I know she blessed my life too. Tell her hi for me.
Happy Birthday Jason and Justin! Great post, Mikki. I hope you have a fun weekend celebrating!
You are such a blessed woman with so many people around you to care for you!
Your little "men" are so cute and i hope they have a wonderful birthday!!
P.S. I always thought twins would be SO much fun!!!
Happy birthday to your adorable boys!
Happy Birthday to your babies!!
And what fun mail you've gotten. Lucky.
Awwww! Such a sweet and fun post! What a great day for a Birthday!! Hope your little ones enjoyed their day!!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!! i hope they had Double The Fun :)
Happy Birthday to those two little monkeys. I know they are such a blessing in your lives. Thanks for doing such a sweet post.
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