Thankful Thursday
- I'm thankful that Jason hasn't injured himself this week climbing out of his crib. Little monkey. I'm going to have to switch him to a big boy bed soon. Naptime is pretty much shot.
- I'm grateful for the rain. We really need it. I'm especially grateful to make it home safe and sound from work, that people actually slow down on the freeway in this town when it rains.
- I'm thankful for the sweet little kisses I get from my little boys. Justin cracks me up, instead of wiping my kiss of his mouth afterwards, he wipes his kiss off my mouth.
- I'm grateful for Chuck E. Cheese. Easy peasy birthday parties with very little effort on my part!
- I'm thankful for my job and hopeful that the fact that I pretty much ignored a corporate bigwig won't land me in hot water. :)
- I'm grateful for an understanding daughter who is cool with getting her birthday present a couple days late. (she had a great birthday, thanks for your warm wishes.)
Your boys are so cute. I want to hear more of the ignoring the bigshot story.
I love your list!
Sorry that naptimes are pretty much shot.............
Great list, Mikki!
I'm grateful that I don't have to go to Chuck E. Cheese - LOL!
Great list!
When they start climbing out of the crib it's all over!
Mikki-- You're awesome :) I'm so glad to be back into the Blogging Scene ;)
I Love your list. I need to fallow your example be a little more grateful.
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