Today, I asked my sweet neighbor to come and sit with the little guys so I could go volunteer in Ashley's classroom. Well, the teacher had a sub today, so I nixed that plan real quick.
Came back home and decided to go to the library.

The boys had fun picking out some books. I really need to take them to a story time.
After that, we decided to stop at the store for some snacks. It must have been their lucky day---a fire truck sat in the parking lot, they were pretty excited at the sight as most little boys are. The nice fireman invited them for a tour. Jason is pretty brave and got to sit in the back seat and check things out. Justin was content just to watch though. I thought it was pretty cool of the guy to do that. He certainly didn't have to. The boys would have been thrilled just to have him honk at them, or wave. It was pretty sweet.
After that, we went to the park and played, and fed the birds cheeto's....
Here's the boys running back from chasing the birds.
(sorry it's sideways, I can't figure out how to fix it).
About the time we were heading home, daddy called to let us know he was home early from work; so we all went out to lunch and did a little shopping.
Finally, after the girls got home from school we went out to dinner.
Really a great way to spend a Monday---not my usual horrifying recover the house from the weekend, hair ripping out sort of day.
How was your Monday?

I love days that end up being spontaneous like that. And we really love when Daddy surprises us by getting off of work early :-)
I have no suggestions for your sideways video. You could just say you were lying in the grass while you shot it :-)
I love taking the kids to the library! They always have such a great summer program too.
That was very sweet of the fireman to give a tour, lucky boys!
And you didn't have to cook lunch or dinner? That is an awesome Monday! I just worked in the veggie garden all day. It was beautiful and cool all day and I just loved being outside.
That's the kind of Mondy I like! Playing with the kids, going out for lunch AND dinner, having Dad home from work early, and a tour of a fire truck! I'd say yesterday was a good day for you!
I went to the Tulip Festival after work with the little ones. That was a good ending to a Monday!
I remember how excited my boys would be when we'd see the firemen at the grocery store. So fun for them!
My Monday was good. Empty house meant I got a lot done. Let's see if I can do the same today!
Man, that sounds like the perfect Monday!
That sounds like a super great Monday! I am with you my house always looks like a tornado hit it over the weekend but to get out, to go to the library to enjoy the kids...Super Monday.
That is my way to spend a Monday, and I bet the weather was lovely!
I think your Monday sounds like a perfect way to spend the day!
I had a good Monday. I actually came home from work, took a small nap on the couch. While children watched cartoons. This is something I normally would not do.
Love the way you spent yours.
Simply memorable! Love these days!
that really IS the best MONDAY post ever in the history of monday posts!!!! i am so glad everything went so well! and that was great of that fireman to give your kids a tour!!!!
Sounds like your Monday was pretty fab!
You should have those every day of the week!
Glad you had such a nice day. Love the cheetos to the birds. so funny.
about the sideways video- Picasa lets you turn your videos and save it. Try and see if it works for ya. :)
Happy Thursday now!
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