I was wiped out by the end of the day Saturday, my officaial last day of work.
I'm not too happy to be out of a job, but I am Titanic-ed out. I've worked in the gift shop for the Titanic Exhibition here in Vegas for the past three years. Usually it's only in a spot for six months to a year, but I guess Vegas is just a special circumstance. I've been fortunate to have this job, and my boss. She's been very flexible with me. I was the assistant manager up until I went on maternity leave last year, which I had to start early since I was prego with the twins. I wasn't able to work the extra day shift when I went back, so I was demoted to a lead cashier position (although I still performed many of the same jobs I did as an assistant). That was ok with me though. It still paid very well, and I was able to work fewer hours than I would have had to work in any other retail position out there. So, in that instance, I'm a little sad to see this job end. Now I'll have to actually work for my money! LOL
Anyhow, it was a busy week for me. I worked ten days in a row (of course, most of them were only 5 hour shifts), and Friday and Saturday were pretty long days for me.
Saturday evening, after we'd finished up our workshift, the district manager wanted to take us out to dinner to say thanks. It was a lovely dinner. We went to a steakhouse, I had filet mignon. I've only had that one other time in my life. It's so yummy. I'm not a big steak person, but that's the way to go if you're going to eat a steak. So, anyhow, Saturday I worked from about 8:30 in the morning, got off work at 4:30, then had to hang around that end of town until six o'clock to go out to dinner (wish I'd taken a nap in my car). We got to the restaurant at about 6:30 and didn't leave until 8:30!!! Why does it take so long to eat at a higher end restaurant?
I was SO happy to walk into the doors of my humble abode. Which brings me to my true gratitude item today. My home. I'm so thankful for my home. It's definitely nothing fancy, and most days it's dirtier than it is clean. But, its warm and welcoming after a LONG day at work, or even after a week away on vacation.

10 days in a row is a lot! And I am thankful to have a nice home to come home to as well.
I does sound like you have had a crazy schedule.
Home sweet home is always the best.
Nothing like coming home to a cozy home that you love after a busy day. And you're making me hungry with that dinner you had.
I have been losing it for meat lately too. Red that is. But that does sound good though. I am glad you love your home. Nothing beats that atmosphere.
I am so glad you are feeling better and i know what you mean about loving your Humble Abode :)
i feel the same way!!!!!
And hopefully you'll get another job if you want one - if not, I hope your bags are successful! Happy Thanksgiving. You gotta tell me how to get those reactions to show up on my blog - I went in and changed my settings, but they don't show up!
Going home at the end of the day is the best!
Now you can rest. Do you want a hug too?
Here you go *hug*
There's no place like home no matter how much bigger, prettier, or cleaner than your very own! I know I'm so thankful for mine esp right now when so many people have either lost their homes or are struggling to keep them. In these scary times, it's a true blessing to have a nice warm roof over our heads - ya never know when those tables will turn and it won't be there anymore.
Wow! After all that I would be relieved to be done working. Are you looking for a new job (or have you already told us your plans, and I'm a dork, and forgot?)
Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!
I love filet mignon! I don't have it very often either, but it IS the best way to eat steak.
And you're right there is no place like home, even a messy one.
Have a Great thanksgiving.
What a crazy week for you. There is no place like home.
I'm glad that your crazy week is over! Kick your feet up and relax, as much as you can with the twins!:)
~Wow~! Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving :) ♥ Hugs!
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