Here we go....
I can't talk about my blogging community without mentioning the ones that inspired me to begin blogging. Those are the blogs from the women in my ward. There's like twenty of them. I'm not sure if they want to be linked on a post like this. But, they're over there on my sidebar. They have beautiful family blogs, where they chronicle the lives of their sweet families. Journals in the truest sense I think. They don't seem to be coveting the comment love like I do. So, ladies, if you're reading this and feel I've overlooked you I apologize. You guys are the reason I started blogging. I was so inspired and impressed with your beautiful families, and the wonderful examples of motherhood that you are to me. (If you'd like to see your name highlighted in a link on my post, let me know, and I'll be more than happy to oblige!) :o)
So now, more friends I've met in the blogosphere:
Richelle, I met through the Family Home Evening blog that I sometimes contribute to. She has a baby on the way, and makes the cutest little baby booties to sell.
Her sister in law is Leslie, I also met her through the Family Home Evening Blog. (I'm using the term "met" here pretty loosely, in case you haven't noticed). Still getting to know her. I enjoy reading her posts, which are both fun and infromative. She also has a tupperware website, so if you're in need of some new plastics, click the link over there on my sidebar.
The Motherboard is a great writer. I love reading her posts. She's funny, and smart. She's currently doing a great series of posts called Bucket Filler. You really should check them out. Just little ways to help fill your life with good things.
The Mamahood just had a precious little baby girl. She also has four more beautiful little pearls. Love her sweet blog about her family.
Jenn's blog is also about her family. She's another great writer. Her posts make me smile and even cry sometimes. Oh, and check out her cool shop "Handmade from the Heart", the link is also over there on the side. She has some great handmade items available. I'm going to buy some soap from her soon!
Ally is so funny. I love her random Monday musings. She's also writing a book. Hopefully one day I'll get to buy it.
Shimmy Mom blogs about her family too. I love her Weekend Words posts, where she gives you a few lines to a book or song, and you get to guess who/what it's from--just for bragging rights. She's a pretty good photographer too.
I love the name of Lene's blog--Embrace the Chaos . (I just need to learn to embrace the chaos--it rules around my house). She also blogs about family life.
Carissa, I don't remember how I met either. I do remember seeing her purses for the first time. Talk about envy!!! Her bags are FABULOUS!! You really should check them out. Here's her shop. I'm just so jealous of her talent. She's also the brains behind Girls Night Out on Twitter, which is just one more way for me to neglect my familia.
Krissy's a cutie who sews really cute bags too. I think she's hoping to open up a shop one day. SHe just moved into a new house, and is having loads of fun settling in.
Tigger, I mean Trying to Stay Calm, I've just met recently, but am learning to love her. Such a sweetie. She hardly knows me, and already rewarded me with several blog awards.
Last but not least is Jan. I've just recently met her as well, although I'd seen her quite a bit around other peoples comments-so I finally had to go say "hi". So, I'm just getting to know her too, but so far, I like everything about her.
Alright guys, hope I haven't missed anybody. Please forgive me if I have.
(Miss Fickle Pickle?? I wasn't trying to overlook you. But, I was thinking I'd email you before I linked you, because, well I just don't know what to say about you---but I do love you too!!)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend everybody. Oh, and you only have like, two more days to enter my giveaway!

It sounds like you have a great community of Internet women here!
you're so sweet Mikki! and i love you, too!
This was such a fun post idea. Thanks for giving us links to some blogs you like (as if I needed anymore to become addicted to!) : )
I feel so loved and like this huge huggy bear topple. Thanks. We are so blessed to be circled by such great ladies in the blogworld. I feel surrounded by some of the best minds and hearts and inspiration. It is very very nice. This was a super sweet post Mikki.
verification word is
Just add an e and we have a sourgrape. Verifications sometimes crack me up.
hey mikki
Thanks for the linky love.
I am amazed at the number of women I have 'met' that inspire me. Such an amazing group of women out there to learn from and love.
Thank You so much Mikki :) You made my week! Hope you have a beautiful Sabbath day! ♥ Hugs!
I am trying to get my ward members get into bloging.
The thing is that this is the best way to testify about Christ and the gospel and the change it can bring in our lives.
I am like the only member over 18 who has one.
When more members in France have one I hope to be able to have someone do something like a gathering of all french LDS blogs like you have for american blogs.
Wait until I have my ward writing blogs!!!!!! LOL
then you'll have a good reason to start learning french.
Thanks for the link and love. It sure is fun all the neat people you can "meet" through blogs.
I know. The mormon blogging network is um...really BIG.
I know a group of women in Utah who actually have 'fights' over the blogging thing? Weird? Yup they snark at each other through their blogs and get annoyed if they 'see' that someone has stopped in but not left a comment?!! Hello, how very Christian? So here's to your group of ward bloggers!!!
In case you are wondering, I'm thrilled to have you stop in, comment or no.
I'm clicking through your list slowly, I love that. (new sistahs addict to my recipe of bloggy twitter crack!!)
I REALLY didn't mean you needed to link me out. But I LOVE that you did!!
Wow! Thanks for the link love! That was very sweet!
You're pretty swell too, ya know?!?!
and yes.... it is ok to link me ♥
Thanks for the shout out!! Much appreciated! You're such a sweetie :)
Oh, you are so sweet! Thanks for the shout out. I am so thankful for the blogging world and all the friends I've made.
Thank you THANK YOU for the linky love! You're so sweet! :) lol ... It's loads of fun around here all right ... lol and injuries to add to it. :P lol
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