so I worked for several years for the Titanic Exhibition. Doing so, I of course gleaned lots of information about that great disaster. More than I ever wanted to know.
I've come to the point for the most part, where I'm kind of tired of it. I think most people when they think of the Titanic, think of the big James Cameron movie from '97, and they roll their eyes, or make a joke about it.
Every once in a while though, I'll open a book, and read a personal story or two about the passengers, and man! Can't help but get emotional.
For example:
"Mrs. Stanton Abbott, divorced wife of a former middleweight boxer in England, was returning to East Providence with her two sons Rossmore (16 yrs.) and Eugene (13 yrs). As Titanic was sinking all three waited until the end, then jumped into the water. Mrs. Abbott managed to get into the half-submerged Collapsible Lifeboat A and had to stand for several hours in water up to her knees until picked up by Fifth Officer Lowe in Collapsible Lifeboat D. The two boys were never seen again after they jumped into the water." --Titanic Names by Lee W. Merideth
--as I read this, I thought of my sweet boys. I'd just want to die myself if I lost any of my kids.
"Edith Evans was single and traveling alone. She met up with several passengers, including Mrs. John M. Brown who although was much older, had young children at home. Miss Evans and Mrs. Brown managed to get up to Collapsible Lifeboat D, the last lifeboat, but it was full and only had room for one more person. Edith Evans, who was closest to the lifeboat, stepped back and told Mrs. Brown to get in, telling her "
you go first, you have children waiting at home". Mrs. Brown was saved, but Miss Evans was not. She was one of four First Class women who were lost."--Titanic Names by Lee W. Merideth
Wow! chokes me up every time I read that story.
What a heroic woman. I know there is a special place reserved for her in Heaven. Not to mention the hundreds of other heroic men and women who gave their lives that night.
I pray I will never have to find out if I have what it takes to make that kind of sacrifice.