So, we're planning a quick trip up to Sandy/Draper (Utah) on the eighth of May, for my grandma's 92nd birthday party. We're taking both of our vehicles because we don't have a minivan and it's just too pricey to rent one for the trip. Well, Jon needed to go and get the oil changed in his car, and of course, while there they let him know he needs a couple belts changed. (he double checked himself, and yeah, it's true). So, he went to get that taken care of. We don't want to risk it for the trip. Nice chunk of change, $200+. Should have just rented the van, but too late now. So, while he's there, his mom calls and he tells her about it. SO, she says she'll send us half the money it takes to rent a van, and we should do that instead, because it'll be less wear and tear on the cars, and safer for all of us to drive up together and yada, yada, yada. AY!!!
I love my mother in law. She's really pretty awesome, raised a terrific boy, is
good to me. But, we're not going to do this. She is very opinionated sometimes, and is not scared to let us know what she thinks we should do. I really do appreciate her offer, but we just shelled out $240 to get his car repaired, we can't really afford the other half of the money we would need to rent the van.
I told Jon that she can send the money, and we'll do what we're planning on doing anyway, and then we'll send her back the money for her birthday present. LOL (just kidding)
How do you handle your mother in law when she's just trying to be helpful?
I have to say, my MIL is great. She's never overbearing. His dad, on the other hand, can be very controlling and likes to be in everyone's business.
It helps that we live a thousand miles away!
That is really sweet of your MIL to think of your families safety. If only you'd known she would pay half before you fixed the car.
That is fun you are headed up my way! I hope the weather gets better before you get up here. It's been freezing!
My MIL is not exactly what you would call hands on. Sometimes, she's so uninvolved (because she doesn't want to be intrusive) she can seem indifferent. I actually kind of like it that way.
That is so sweet of her. I say just tell her thank you sooo much but still just wnt be able to make it happen and see what she says. She may say keep the money to help pay for gas etc.
Have a fun trip! I miss uTah! Hope all is well.
I let my hubby tell his mother no when we don't want to fallow her suggestions. Even though she is just as sweet as candy, and we love her so very much. Most of the time she is fine with it. If not then that is her problem.
So glad your coming for a trip to Utah! Hope it is a good one.
OK, I have to tell you the word verification I am typing in is:
My Grandma used to always say "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" and anytime she gave us money she would say that all she was trying to do is "buy my love!"
Just remember "they" (mothers) are trying to help...... and it is scary to think one day....we will be "that" MIL or M!
I love you Mik, I can't make any comments on my MIL except to say that God has truly taught me to love the unloveable! LOL
Should I post this? hmmm
I would LOVE it if my MIL at least tried to be helpful! You are lucky :D
I'm sure she means well and since she is your MIL you can let her child handle her - ha ha.
You're coming to Utah?!! So, will you have time for a bloggy lunch? I'd love to meet you!
Ummmm.... well... let's just not go there :)
i am glad you have a MIL that wants to help and be part of your life :) that is really wonderful. I wish i had that.
Sometimes you just have to lay down the law and pretty much say "Too bad, we're broke. You pay for it."
Seriously...MIL's can be totally nuts....
The funny thing is my word verifican is "minivasa"....sounds like "minivan" I'm done.
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