Here are the newest members of the Firelein clan.
We've tentatively named them Shrek and Fiona.

Shrek is a 7 week old male.

Fiona is an 8 week old female.
We've also considered Bonnie & Clyde and Sunny & Cher as their names.
Jon and I both like Gandalf for the grey one, but Ashley and Haley aren't crazy about that name.
Any suggestions?
Those are very cute little kitties! Good luck coming to a consensus on a name.
I would name them trouble ONE and trouble Two- Cause those cuties look like they are going to get into alot of TROUBLE!!!!! :)
Have fun!
Edward & Bella?
Jack & Jill?
Donny & Marie?
Please stop me I could go on and on!
Ken & Barbie
Bert & Ernie
Romeo & Juliet
Bam Bam & Pebbles
Well, the first two words out of my mouth were
How adorable, and what fun you're going to have! Welcome to cat world - you life is about to change. They are adorable!
And, yes, I know that those were the first three words out of my mouth!
How cute! Good luck with a name!
Connor wants a kitty so bad!
Cute kitties! I'm so jealous!
They're so cute, I love the name Gandalf-- Gandalf the Grey... very clever :-)
Aw, they're so cute!! The grey one looks very much like my sweet 18 year old kitty who I love.
Our cousin had a Bonnie and Clyde. They are so cute!
So cute! Too bad they don't stay that little and cute! :)
Awwww they are so cute! I already have two cats but seeing these makes me want a new little kitten BAD!!!
They are cute, try out a few names until you find the one you like best. We did this when naming our dog. He started out Bella and ended Fella!
Me thinks you are a little crazy taking on 2 more babies! But they are really cute!
My vote is
Marco & Polo
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