He's trying to figure it out, and see if he can salvage anything, but who knows?
Since we surely can't afford a new computer right now, or anytime in the foreseeable future, I'll say farewell for now.
I'll try to check in now and then (probably from work, when I shouldn't be).
Hopefully, with less time dedicated to the computer, I'll actually get my house in order. Here's hoping.
P.S. you know with my luck, I'll win all those giveaways I've entered, but I won't even know it because I won't be accessing my accounts, and so they'll have to pick an alternate winner. OH Man!!!

Hope it gets fixed soon!
Hope it's nothing serious, and we'll see you again soon!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Just when I was coming back to read your blog. Oh well it will enable me to catch up.
And by the way Linux is your friend :)
I will miss you and look forward to your return, soon I hope.
Good luck with the computer. I hope you get back soon!
adieu,adieu, to ma and you and you...
I'm secretly wishing my power would go out so that the magnetic force on my computer would quit pulling me in (I won't wish for a virus because I have too many things on my computer that would crush me if I lost).
Keep in touch and enjoy this (forced) sabbatical!
It is always such a bummer when the computer goes haywire - We all depend on them so much! Hope it is fixed soon.
Until then enjoy your summer.
Kick back and eat a big ice cream cone and hug your kids!
Oh No Mikki! :(
I hate Computer Viruses!!!!!!
and yeah..
i am taking a "blog break" and sure enough i will Win one or more of those giveaways i entered! lol
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