My sweet little second born. I love you so much.
You are:
sweet and silly
loving and loud
funny and feisty

a great hugger!
and sister!
and daughter!

cute and confident

sensitive and did I mention sweet?

friendly and fabulous

always going, going, going
8 years old!!! I can't believe it!
I love you sweet pea! Hope you have a great day!
Happy birthday to Haley!
So cute! I love her purple hair!
She looks like a sweet doll.
ooooh! 8 is a great year!! Happy Birthday :-)
Happy Birthday Haley! I hope she had a great day. She really is such a fun little girl!
She IS a cutie! Happy Birthday!
Eight is a huge milestone (our oldest turned 8 a few months back).
Congrats and hats off to her...and to you, too!
Happy day!
Thank you a lot!
Happy Birthday Haley!
I loved this post on Haley! I love all the pictures of how much she has grown. Happy 8th birthday to her!
Belated birthday wishes to this cutie!
8 is such a magical birthday in my opinion. The next magical birthday would be 8 years from now when she turns 16! I have one turning 8 this year and one turning 16! Can I really be that old? Guess so.
Hope she had a fabulous Birthday!
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