Sher from Sher the Love, is an amazingly talented pianist who has a wonderful CD of music out. They are her own arrangements with several songs that she has written, and it's a beautiful CD. You can go listen for yourself---I have a link over there on the sidebar where you can go listen. See it? Right below my word for the year (better, not bitter). You can also click this cute little button to go to her music website.

Sher made this wonderful offer:
"So, would you be interested in me donating a CD for your giveaway?".........and then she added: "I also have a songbook (with sheet music) if you're interested."
Well, I'm totally interested!! So sweet. Thanks Sher!
And then there's Annette.
Annette Lyon is a published author with several awards to her name already. She has some great books out that I really want to get my hands on. I see a trip to Deseret Books in my future.
Check out her website here and her blog here.
Well, Annette made this sweet offer:
"If you want to give away one of my grammar books, I'll donate one. " ----Sweet!!!
Annette's book "There, Their, They're--A No-tears Guide to Grammar From the Word Nerd" is definitely a book I could use. I can barely remember all those grammar lessons from middle school (click on the pic for a little more info). I think it would make a great addition to anybody's library.
So, what do I need your opinion on?
Well, with these two fantastic additions to my meager collection of items (pictures forthcoming), I was wondering if I should just have one ginormous grand prize, or should I break it up a little? You know, spread the wealth a bit?
What do you think? Leave a comment and let me know. Your opinion counts as an entry.

I wanna win even more now!! :)
how about if I get drawn first and win it is a grand prize!
But if I get drawn 2nd I get the music.
And if I get drawn 3rd I get the book.
Share the love!! ONLY if some of it goes to me :)
I would split it up. More winners!
I already have Sherrie's CD, which is amazing. But I would love Annette's book!
I say split it up. Those would be awesome gifts.
I already have Sheri's CD, it is fabulous by the way.
I think you are wonderful to do this!
I say split it up too.
I love giveaways!! They are so much fun to host
My vote is a split, too. Two? To? I already bought Sherrie's album but the grammar book would be an obvious choice for me...
What ever suits your fancy :)
I'd say split it up. Then there are more chances to win something! :)
I'm torn. I would say split it up - better chance of winning (Ha!) but for you splitting it up means more postage!
Either way it is fun!
That is Really Nice of them to get involved with your Giveaway!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! I'm sure that whatever you decide to do will be perfect! Either one big Grand PRize or 1 large + 2 medium prizes... anything will be FUN :)
One GRAND PRIZE! That is my opinion. What do you think?
I can't decide - maybe two smaller prizes?
I'd love to join in anyway!
Thanks for the shoutout!
I would split it up, and have a few different winners...just my take.
splitting it up means more postage costs :-( I think that's cool you've had offers for things to give away.
Those are 2 great giveaway prizes from 2 bloggers I love and admire.
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