
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Big Change for me

I'm beyond excited. I'm so over the moon right now I can hardly write.
A few weeks back a friend from church asked if I was still interested in a job with the city. We had talked quite a while back about how unhappy I was with my work schedule and how I really wanted more family time. Her husband works for the city and she had mentioned way back when that she would keep an ear out for any job openings I might be interested in. Well, the day finally came and there was an opening in her husbands department and they were taking referrals. Her husband put in a referral for me and so, I applied. They were filling three positions. I got called in to take an examination and if I passed that, I would be called in for an interview.
Well, I passed.
 Got the interview.
Got a little coaching from my friend and her husband.
Asked my bishop to pray for me.
The interview went ok. I really didn't think I had blown them out of the water, and my friends husband said they were looking to be wowed. I certainly didn't think I wowed them.

Well, today they called. And I have been offered a job. Squee!!!!
 It's part time, two days a week! It pays double what I make now per hour, so I can afford to go part time. No benefits, but we use Jon's benefits anyway.

I am so very, very grateful for this opportunity. I really cannot express how blessed I feel. I really, really feel like Heavenly Father has blessed me with this wonderful job. I hope I will be able to do it well and learn quickly.

Five days a week off!! Four day weekends! Holidays off with my family. Weekends off with my family. Seriously, a dream come true.

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