Do you know what this is? Do you? It's.... (drumroll) MY 200th BLOG POST!!!!
Wow, can you believe it? Two hundred blog posts in seven and a half months. I know that's like a drop in the bucket for some of you out there. I bow to your greatness!!!
I've been pondering for a week or so about what I would do for my 200th post.
So, what to do? What to do? I guess I don't really have to do anything. Hmm, then all this angst for naught. Nothing like angst-ing in vain. And really, I'd like to do something fun anyway.
Well, regardless of what I decide upon, I see a couple of great post ideas here.
So, I think I will take a few questions from you, my faithful readers. Now, I'm not daring enough to say I'll answer ANY question put forth--but I will try to if it's not too...ahem, risque'. I have a PG rating down there, and I'd like to keep it. If you're not sure, throw it out there anyway, and I'll decide if it's too hot a topic for lil ol' me.
Now, lest I sound too narcissistic here, there is something in this whole thing for you. I will be doing another blog giveaway--because I really do appreciate all of your comments and your friendship these past 200 posts.
Here's the kicker---it's a surprise. I love surprises. Hope you do too. It's something I have made though(hint, hint) and it's filled with a few other surprises as well.
SO, this little giveaway will run for 200 hours. That's 8.3333333 days. Since I'm not real good with the math, let's just say that this means that the contest is up next Tuesday at 6:30 a.m. ( I think that's approximately 8 and 1/3 days from right now).
So, in a nutshell, leave me a comment---that's an entry.
Leave your comment in the form of a question---that'll count as an extra entry.
And of course, if you mention it on your blog--that's an additional entry. (just let me know in the comments)
Next Tuesday I'll draw a name from all the entries and that will be the big winner. And in the process, you'll have provided me with a great post topic for next week--answering your questions.
Edited:::: OK I've added pictures now of the giveaway items. For a description of what you're seeing here, visit this post.

Wow, can you believe it? Two hundred blog posts in seven and a half months. I know that's like a drop in the bucket for some of you out there. I bow to your greatness!!!
I've been pondering for a week or so about what I would do for my 200th post.
- Another giveaway?
- Should I make it all about you guys? Maybe highlight all the wonderful friends I've made out there in the blogosphere? (That one just came to me, and I really do like it--but, I might be just a little too caught up in my own limelight to do it here and now--LOL)
- Should I follow the examples of a few others (and here), who are daring enough to let their readers ask them any questions they wanted--and answered them? I don't know if I'm that daring. Plus, I'm not sure I have enough of a readership to make it very interesting anyway. Plus the fact that I'm not sure anyone really wants to know that much more about me anyway. (No whippings please, just my own insecurity ya' know).
- OR, maybe I'll just arrange a big 'ol party for you all to attend in my honor! (Dang, is my hat getting smaller or something?)
- OH! I know, I'll could blog about what I've learned in the last 200 posts.
So, what to do? What to do? I guess I don't really have to do anything. Hmm, then all this angst for naught. Nothing like angst-ing in vain. And really, I'd like to do something fun anyway.
Well, regardless of what I decide upon, I see a couple of great post ideas here.
So, I think I will take a few questions from you, my faithful readers. Now, I'm not daring enough to say I'll answer ANY question put forth--but I will try to if it's not too...ahem, risque'. I have a PG rating down there, and I'd like to keep it. If you're not sure, throw it out there anyway, and I'll decide if it's too hot a topic for lil ol' me.
Now, lest I sound too narcissistic here, there is something in this whole thing for you. I will be doing another blog giveaway--because I really do appreciate all of your comments and your friendship these past 200 posts.
Here's the kicker---it's a surprise. I love surprises. Hope you do too. It's something I have made though(hint, hint) and it's filled with a few other surprises as well.
SO, this little giveaway will run for 200 hours. That's 8.3333333 days. Since I'm not real good with the math, let's just say that this means that the contest is up next Tuesday at 6:30 a.m. ( I think that's approximately 8 and 1/3 days from right now).
So, in a nutshell, leave me a comment---that's an entry.
Leave your comment in the form of a question---that'll count as an extra entry.
And of course, if you mention it on your blog--that's an additional entry. (just let me know in the comments)
Next Tuesday I'll draw a name from all the entries and that will be the big winner. And in the process, you'll have provided me with a great post topic for next week--answering your questions.
Edited:::: OK I've added pictures now of the giveaway items. For a description of what you're seeing here, visit this post.

So, good luck to ya'all. Hope I made sense. :P
FUN FUN FUN (and Congrats!)
Question: "What is your idea of 'Heaven on Earth' ? (detailed reply)"
congrats! So fun,..Ok.. this will be my first time entering your giveaways and I think its about stinkin' time. :)
Question for ya: "How did you get started into blogging? How has it most helped you in the past 7 months?What are your top 3 dreams for your blog"
is 3 questions ok? hehe
Woot! Go Mikki. Go Mikki. lol Unlike my mom, I think I'm somewhere only around 250 posts. Is that right? I don't even know. lol
Ok, so here's my question for you. Are you in the SLIGHTEST bit ready for Christmas???? I'M SO NOT! lol
I'll be doing a giveaway on my blog soon too...... keep your eyes peeled! :D
i'm a new reader mikki, but I already posted about you twice on my blog! LOL
so that counts as two entries, right?
here's my third entry
Question:: how did papa jon ask you to marry him?
Love your new design, Mikki! Congrats on the 200th post - I'm thankful you're one of my followers!
Here is my question - Do you have to travel for the holidays to visit family. If so, how far do you travel, and how much fun is it with the twins?
Congrats on your 200th post! That's awesome! Okay here is my question for you...
Do you love comments on your blog as much as I do?
Great idea! What is your favorite thing about being a mom?
Congrats on 200 posts Mikki!
My question: What blog do you HAVE to read every day?
Happy 200!
My question: Was it difficult adjusting to twins after 2 previous single births?
I've always thought that if I were to ever have twins, I would want it to be my first delivery. That way I wouldn't know any better and then think that any singles after that would be a breeze.
My question:
Will you please rig the drawing so I'll win?
200 Posts! I think I'm getting close to that,too. I should probably do a give away. Maybe I'll take pointers from you.
Here's my question:
What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment in life, other than having a family?
So great to have you in the blog world! I love that you have my sister's link right up top! You are awesome! How much has blogging changed your life?
ps, I am in shock about your top post. I remember commenting on her blog before. I hope she's ok, what a terrible thing to have happen.
okay, my question: what was your first thought when you found out you were having TWINS? and how did you tell your husband (or was he with you at the appt?)
just curious, i think that's really cool :)
What made you think healthy foods? Have you always eaten this way? Where do you shop for your items?
I love your spirit and blog.
yay for 200!!! way to rock it out!
question: what do you think about the trend to "go private"?
So why did you start your blog? Do you still like it? Or are you running out of ideas after 200 posts?
How's that?
WOOO HOOO!!! MIKKI! you know i am totally in on this GIVEAWAY!!!!! ♥ i think you could do a little question/answer thing. beware..... i did this and it took me FOREVER to answer all the questions!!!!!
Ooh, count me in your giveaway. How exciting!
My question is, if you could visit anywhere else in the world, where would you go, and why?
200 posts! Wow! Congrats!
Question: With a busy family, what is a fast, easy recipe that you like to make--one that doesn't take much prep and is made out of things you usually have on hand.
Didn't you just celebrate post #100? You work fast girl!!!! And to think how far behind I am in posting anything. I'm at that "I'm too tired, uncomfortable, and I don't want to do anything" stage of this ordeal. Sorry I haven't been better about keeping up. Anyhow, congrats on #200.
congrats! 200 posts? that's amazing!
pick me!
pick me!
hey mikki....
it's me again!!!
or like you would say from that old funny song--
ok.. here is my QUESTION:
1. if you could name yourself, what name would you have and why?
Heya! Here's my Q:
Honestly, what's the biggest mistake you've ever made?
So to enter I only have to enter my comment in the form of a question? There, I did it. :-)
Ok, fine, I'll play the right way. First, Congrats! 200!! Who Hoot!!
Let's see...
If you could pull a person out of your past to spend the day with, who would it be?
BTW, I put a little shout out to your giveaway on my blog!!!
Okay-my question is: What's your favorite Donny Osmond song? You may not know any-but, if I post some of his sure to pick one :) Like a flower-♥
OK, that is so awfull about that woman and her family in Alaska, I can't even imagine what they are all going through.
Congrats on your 200 post and I love that bag! Nicely done!
My question for you is this,
"What 10 things would you be most excited to find in your Christmas stocking?" :) Tricky aren't I.
What's you favorite kind of soup? Congrats on all your blogging success and fun!
Who chose the names of your children and why these names?
hope no one asked this before, I have not taken the time to read all the questions, it is way past my bed time.
Oh my gosh...a question????....
first. I love the socks, gloves, chocolate wallet goodness! I mean chocolate? That's such a good idea.
The giveaway is a good idea too for the 200th post? I may steal it.
Now my question? You pick. How did we meet? I just told you I can never remember? Or What's your favorite book? I know I know AFTER the scriptures. Or How the heck do you get bias tape on the INSIDE of that circle handle up there? HOW!?
Or Do you color your hair? Cuz girl in Utah EVERYONE does.
Okay. Done.
Alright. This is my very first time at your blog, and I have no idea what to ask. But I've yet to win any kind of giveaway, so I enter everyone I can find. =D I haven't even read the other bloggers' questions, but here are some off the top of my head.
What was your favorite Halloween costume as a child? What's the favorite gift you've ever given someone? What's your favorite meal to make for your family? If you had $100 to spend ONLY on yourself, what would you do with it?
Hooray for Mikki!! So my question is how did you meet your hubby?
200 Posts!!! It seems like yesterday that you started this blog! I am so proud of you!
How has blogging changed your day to day routine as a mother of busy twins?
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