Shimmy Mom took part in this fun little
interview sort of tag, and now I get to play too.
Shimmy is awesome. She homeschools her kids, dances, and shimmy's through life.
Her son is having surgery today on his hand, so keep him in your prayers ok?
So here are Shimmy's questions for me...
1. How was having TWINS after already having some kids one at a time?
--Well, the labor part was completely different since I had a c-section. I was scared about that, and it was quite an experience in and of itself. One I don't want to ever have again. Should I ever get prego again, (which will take a miracle by the way) I would prefer the old fashioned way. The other part, you know actually raising them, has been fun and crazy all at the same time. It's definitely a little more trying at times, especially at the beginning when you have double everything to deal with. I often had the thought that one would have been a breeze, and that way back when, when I actually only had one at a time, I was a wus. (sorry, I couldn't think of any other way to put it) But, really, that's not true. I don't think it matters if you have one or two, when one baby is crying and inconsolable, you're pulling your hair out regardless. Having two older children, I think has also been quite helpful. They're both always ready to play with or cuddle their little brothers. I think twins are just doable. I can't imagine doing more than that.
2. What is your greatest accomplishment?
--Gosh, this is one of those I just don't know the answer to. I'd say my family, but like Shimmy said, they're really not my accomplishment, and I think I have a long ways to go with them anyway. They're all wonderful and fabulous, but until I am able to return my kids to my Heavenly Father, my work is not close to being done. (And, I really need to do better with them).
I think perhaps, next month, when I go to the Temple, that will be my greatest accomplishment. This is something I've really never thought I would accomplish. For some reason, I've always thought myself unworthy of this goal. I think I still do a little bit. So, it gives me great joy to think that I might actually achieve this. (good grief! I'm crying now. )
3. Where would you go on your dream vacation? --I think a European vacation. I'd love to see Ireland, and Norway, Austria and Switzerland. Of course, I also really like to just go to the mountains and just be. My mother-in-law's ex girlfriend has a cabin up at Lake Arrowhead, and we've had the opportunity to go there a few times for a few days away. It was bliss. I'd do that in a heartbeat again.
4. Have you always lived in the state you live in now? If not where have you lived?
--Oh no. We really got around when I was growing up. My dad was in the Army, so it only seemed like we would live in one place for maybe three years at the most. Lets see, I was born in Colorado Springs, CO. , we moved from there to Germany, then North Carolina, to Utah for a short little bit, back to Germany and then back to Utah. We stayed in Utah for about six years then we moved to California. We lived there I guess for the longest period of time, about eleven years before I moved here to Vegas with my hubby.
5. What is your favorite hymn?
-- Gosh, I have a couple, and it's so hard to narrow it down to just one. I love "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief", and "If you Could Hie to Kolob", but I think my favorite is "I Stand All Amazed". It brings tears to my eyes everytime I hear it.
OK, dou want to play along and get interviewed too?
Here's the directions:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
There, that was fun (for me anyway--well, except the crying part).
Now, I'd better get off the computer and get my backside in gear. My mom and mother-in-law will be here in two days for a fun little visit. Yikes, my house is a wreck!!