Jon re-booted the whole computer, so we lost all the emails in the inbox that I hadn't gotten around to reading yet. I'm actually not too disappointed about that, mostly it was junkmail. It also wiped out pretty much everything we store on the computer. So glad I had him save all the pictures to disc before-hand. I also had him print out all the email addresses first too.
During our little crisis, Jon suggested that we just get rid of the internet for the year, and save a few bucks. I can't even begin to tell you how much that idea distressed me. What about my blog? What about all my blogging buddies? No way!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I am very hopeful this fix sticks. Cause if things go nutty again, I'm pretty sure he'll take his bb gun to the computer, or his dad's .22 .
So, with any luck, I'll be on later today, posting all my New Years resolutions. There's a lot of them, let me tell you. I really need to narrow my list down to something more manageable.
Hope everyone's new year is off to a great start!!

Is that a sigh of relief that all your decorations are put away and you are totally exhausted?
I wish I was as ahead as you are this year. Glad you got the bug fixed. Life isn't the same when the computer is under the weather.
gosh! i am glad your computer is fixed!!! i know what you mean about wanting to be careful about everything you do on here now!!!!
i love your new background! it is really cute!!!!
No INTERNET!?!?!? Does he even know you and us at all?? We need our Mikki!!
Hide that boy's ammo!!!
Love the new background. Very nice :)
Happy New Year! I hope that your bug is gone. I know I couldn't live without the internet.
Phew--that was a close one!
Bonne année :o)
I am glad your computer and your internet connection are back. I totally understand what you mean. I think I would go crazy without a computer. I am totally addicted.
I am so glad you got the little bug worked out. Last year my laptop crashed and I went into withdrawls for a couple of weeks. So sad I am so dependent on my computer.
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