Turning 30 didn't bug me in the least. It was just another birthday for me, but turning 37 is kind of freaking me out. I'm now 3 years away from the big 4-0! Isn't that the age when you get the "over the hill" birthday party with all the black balloons and stuff? I can remember back in like 1984, thinking to myself that in the year 2000, I'd be 28, and man that was old!!
Now please forgive me if I've offended anyone reading my blog over the age of 40, I surely don't mean to. I think you're all awesome, and much younger at heart than me.
I think my problem is that I feel old.
My hubby got me this fun BrainAge game for the Nintendo DS that I wanted, it's supposed to help exercise your brain. Man-oh-man!!! After the inital test on that puppy, it say's I have the brain age of an 80 year old!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe it too, my brain has completely gone flabby. Seriously, my mom remembers things better than I do.
And don't even get me started on the aches and pains I'm already feeling.
I think today is going to actually mark my New Year, and I'm making some new resolutions.
I'm going to play that BrainAge game until it tells me I've got the brain age of a thirty year old. It tells you the ideal brain age is twenty, but I'm not too sure about that. I was a total nincompoop at the age of twenty. Thirty gives you a little life experience under your belt.
And I'm going to get my big ol' behind out of bed a half hour earlier five days a week, and get a little e.x.e.r.c.i.s.e. . And, I'm going to make better food choices. I'm going to whip this tired and worn out body back into the proper shape for a young, vibrant, 37 year old mother of four still young kids. So there mid life crisis! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
Ok, sorry. I may be losing a few more of the few marbles I have left.
A big shout-out to sweet Shauna, she sent me some sweet mail for my birthday. Sweet, sweet, sweet lady. Please go give her some love for me. She can use a few extra hugs right now.

I've had a wonderful week. Had my mom and mother in law in town over the weekend. It was great to have them here. My mom gave me five fabulous crafting/decorating books. Loving them. Jon's mom gave me moola for a pedicure. Can't wait!! And my sweet Ashley made me some cute, cute, cute beaded jewelry. I need to take a picture.
Anywho, hope you all have a great Thursday.

I can't wait 'til I'm 40. Maybe then some people will take me seriously. I thought I'd get some respect at 30, but nope...I'm still getting the same shenanigans as I was when I was 20. Didn't come at 32 either. Maybe it'll never come!
Happy Happy Birthday! And nothing will make you feel younger and better than that pedicure! 3 to the 7 isn't bad, and neither is 5 to the 1 (well, maybe 5 to the 1 isn't perfect!). Hope your day is full of all the things you love.
You are very welcome! Happy Birthday my sweet friend! L♥ve and Hugs :)
Turning 40 was easier for me then turning 37. It seems like there is so much pressure when you are in your 30's. But once you turn 40 it is so liberating. This is me...take it or leave it!
Happy birthday, Mikki! And that Shauna is amazing.
happy birthday!!!! :) :) :) you look great, don't stress yourself out.
Happy Birthday Mikki! I didn't know you and Jason are the exact same age, he turned 37 in December. I think you are fabulous! Have a fun-filled day!:)
Oh Mikki your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind, hey Mikki, hey Mikki.
Happy Birthday girl. No need to go into crisis. These are really the best years to look forward too. Enjoy enjoy.
Happy Birthda, hope you have a great one. Just remember age is just a number. You look fab!
LOL. I feel like I'm wishing myself Happy Birthday in one way - My name is Mikki too!! Spelled the same way!
I found you via Shauna's blog. Too funny!!
I'm 37 now. I'll be 38 in April.
Happy Birthday!!
And your not old in any way. Enjoy the day or what's left of it.
May God bless you with MANY more birthdays!!
Just because we have the same name I'm going to have to start following your blog...LOL ;-)
Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!! (I was going to put 37 "Happy"s but I didn't want to rub it in :) hehe
Happy Birthday!
Way to go on the wanting to make changes!! Eating right, getting up earlier--you rock, lady!! As you know, i joined Weight Watchers twow eeks ago, and it's really made me aware of what I'm eating and how much. I'm loving grilled veggies and mixed greens salad. Put some salt and pepper on those grilled veggies and a little bit of oil olive and it's the yummiest thing ever.
Way to take charge of YOU. !!
Shauna is so sweet. she really is the genuine article!!!
and i love the gifts she gave to you. those are wonderful!
and girl... everyone feels OLD sometimes. shoot... i know I DO. what you need is a vacation. come to tennessee & take a load off :)
I hear ya! Freaking out a little myself lately.
Happy birthday a little late! Sorry, I've been so bad about keeping up. That was so sweet of Shauna. She's a good egg!!! That must have brightened your day a ton :)
I freaked out a little to. But have had a few months to embrass it. It is not that bad.
Happy Belated Birthday!
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