I'm actually a little torn on Monday's. It's one of my day's off from work, so that makes it a great day. But, it's also recovery day in my household. The house is so thrashed on Monday mornings. Laundry has begun piling up again over the weekend. I was almost to the bottom of the pile on Friday, now--the mountain has reappeared.
Our lesson yesterday in Relief Society was on simplifying, taken from the General Conference issue of the Ensign. I SO need to simplify. We have way too many clothes. I don't even wear a quarter of what I have in my closet and drawers. Jon too, and the kids. Maybe my project for the next week is going to be going through closets.
Yeah, I need to do some major simplifying in the girls' bedroom. Where did they get so much junk????? I couldn't have possibly bought them all that stuff.
Well, let's see. we're moving into March--I think I'm going to adopt the word
for March--maybe even the rest of the year. We'll see how March goes. I'm going to get a jump start on it now though. Wish me luck. I have much junk to wade through.
I agree about the clothing thing!
My rule of thumb is. If I haven't worn something in 2 years, I take it to DI.
I enjoyed the lesson too! I for sure need to go through the closets in this house... now to find the motivation to start another project!
I am with you in that it is time to purge out all the unused clothes. With spring almost here it is going to be time to pull out all the summer clothing that is in storage. I have one child who acts as like she only owns one pair of pants. As in they are her favorite and she never wants to wear any thing else. As I climbed the mountain of laundry last night, I wondered how many outfits should my children actually own. Something I am ready to explore. I don’t want to be drowning in laundry any more.
No kidding. The abundance is evident. I think that we should all listen to what you learned yesterday. Good luck with your word.
We had to move stuff out of two closets to finish laying the floor, so I'm now trying to "simplify" and get organized. It's a never ending job - just like the laundry!
this is SUCH a great post and i really needed it today!
so THANK YOU! :)
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