- my house would (hopefully) be a whole lot cleaner
- my kids would see more than the back of my head
- my fledgling scripture tote business would be booming (yeah, right)
- I would never have met or become better acquaitned with some truly wonderful, fabulous, beautiful women.
So, of course, I must celebrate my upcoming Blogiversary with a giveaway.
I'm not celebrating my blog here though, just want to straighten that up real quick--(despite what this post title might lead you to think)--I want to celebrate all of you guys out there, who have become my friends over the past year.
So, I went to the Dollar store this morning (big spender that I am)
I saw this adorable little box...

It actually might not be an American Express gift card though-because In-n-Out doesn't take American Express. It'll be a Visa or Mastercard instead. It will have $25 loaded on it though-for you to spend as you wish.
There is definitely some chocolate in there, and a little something made by me.
So, here are the rules:
- Leave me a comment, or two, or three, or four--as many as you want. You'll get one entry per comment.
- Each comment MUST contain a random fact about yourself.
- Let your friends know, the more the merrier I say.
- If you post about it on your blog, let me know in another comment, that way you get an additional entry.
- You have until March 17th at 6:00 AM to leave me a comment.
- I'll draw a winner that morning.
- I'm offering a second and third place prize too. I'll post about those later as well.
So there you go. Hope you enter, I love doing giveaways.

1 – 200 of 335 Newer› Newest»My year is on Sunday! Congrats!
I had my appendix out when I was 8.
Dude - first!
That never happens!
I heart blogoversaries!
and exclamation points!
dang! missed it by seconds!
still love exclamation points!
Yay to Mikki. Happy Blogaversay. We all love you.
Random fact about me - I have a problem with the brass they put in the windows. You know what I am talking about right? It is like they are trying a little to hard to look important. I use to make storm windows in Orem UT. So I can say something. Hee hee.
Congrats on your Blogiversary!!! What a fun fact-filled post (you mean my house would be cleaner if I got off of the computer?). I always love your tunes. That's not my random fact....
is there anything I haven't told you?
Uh.... oh! once I loaned my brand new 4x4 truck to a boyfriend because he was stressed out about his missing little brother... he sank it in Lake Powell, AZ while boonie hopping with his brother and a couple of other girls.
SANK IT. Totalled my truck.
I stopped seeing him.
happt blog-iversary!!! lol
Facebook has totally taken over my life these past couple months. I do EVERYTHING on there. lol
I have 4 blogs. And I try to update ALL of them. lol One, not so much... but the other 3... ... hahaha
Which is why I've been so absent in the blog-world lately... Facebook and trying to keep up with all my blogs! lol And my crazy kids. *sigh* my crazy, crazy kids.
Congrats! Fact: I'd usually rather have soup than ice cream.
Fun giveaway Mikki! I'll post about it on my blog. That is a darling box. Especially for $1! That would look fab on my new shelves in my craft room....assuming they actually finally get hung.
K, here's a random thing about me. I hate people to look at my feet.
I'll be back with more!
I just love your blog!
-I have a very sensitive sniffer...I can identify any smell.
Ooooh.....uh oh. I think you may have unknowingly caused your comment form to be inundated with my name!!! MWAH HA!
Random Fact.... Uhh.
When I get tired, my left knee and ankle hurts.... very weird, but it started when I sprained my ankle when I was like 3. Ever since if I stay up too late it hurts.
What random thing can I tell here that you don't already know? What random fact can I write here that others will like to read?
Let me see....
My sister and I are taking the missionaries out to dinner on Saturday. I have booked a table in a popular restaurant in St-Etienne, yes, you have to book a table days ahead for this place. The food is not fancy it is just that it is very traditional and so fun. When they serve you a fondue or a raclette they bring the real cast iron thing. It is heavy and there is real coal in it. Not your little electric appliance.
This is why they have big tables. It takes much room to eat there if you don't want to get burnt.
And the funny part is that when you're about to explode because you ate too much they come to you with a big smile and they ask you if you'd like more.
I will put pics on my blog about it. I am sure you'll love it.
I am allergic to almost all fruits, and tomatoes. They make my tongue break out in spots and the skin on my mouth starts peeling off!!! EWW!
I am blogging at work right now...
I hate carrots....cooked or not. They're gross.
Brown with black annoys me SO much I can't handle it. If someone is wearing these two colors together, it makes me want to strangle them!!! GRR!
The only place I ADORE brown with black is in the kitchen. Dark wood with black and stainless appliances is awesome.
I met my husband online...
on www.hotornot.com...
I am such a loser.
Okay...last one...for NOW...mwah ha....
My HUGEST blog pet peeve? Auto starting music!!!! (Yes...you are a culprit, but I still love you.)
Second blog pet peeve... WORD VERIFICATION!!!! (Again, you are a culprit - but so is 90% of the blogging world.) It's like...my blog isn't important enough for people to spam me - and even if it was - I'd be honored that they thought they could reach tons of readers by comment spamming me. lol
ok a little FACT about me:
I am left handed :)
i will put this on my blog :)
and i am obeying the rules and will put a random fact about me on every comment:
i have blue, green, & yellow eyes :)
another entry...
another fact...
i love chocolate just as much as you do!
another entry...
another fact...
i have a wart or something on my ankle that i need to get removed :)
Another Entry...
Another Fact...
i get chills head to toe when i bite into the little marshmallows that are in cereal.... NOT A GOOD kind of chills, either! it's crazy!!!
Another entry--
another fact--
the first time i ever ate chicken on a bone was when i was 23 years old :)
i used to think it was so grody ... even when i would go to restaurants and order fried chicken, i would ask them to please remove all the meat from the bone from me before bringing it to my table :)
another one :9
{can you tell that i really really want to win?}
i can roll my tongue :)
I came over by way of Merrianne...
She told me too...cause you had a contest!
I ♥ boxes!! Especially that cute one that you found
I ♥ chocolate too!
I have a twin sister!
And anything else you may have in there!
I haven't been blogging quite a year yet. My anniversary is not until May 2nd.
I need to see when mine is coming up. I should celebrate it.
OK, I went to check to see when I actually started. It is going to be 2 years this July. It does not seem like I have been blogging that long.
I forgot to tell you Happy Blogiversary!
I can't smell...not even smoke or ammonia!
Random fact...I don't fallow directions as well as I should. I just dive in to things really quick.
Happy Blogiversary - I'm glad you're my blog buddy!
Random fact - I wear a size 6 shoe!
YAHOO!!! Please count me in on this! Random Fact- I l♥ve to shop :)
I posted about this giveaway on the top right corner of my blog! Another fact about me... I do NOT like to cook!
Okay, I'm back. I posted about your giveaway on my blog!
Another random fact - I don't like wearing shoes in the house, and it has nothing to do with being from Kentucky - LOL!
I came over from Marianne's blog.
something about me...hmmm
I like your blog
another thing...
I have naturally curly hair.
I posted you on my blog
and another....
I'm ambidextrous
and another...
I should have been a cheerleader...I'm such a spaz!
hmmm more? ok.
I'm having a love affair with chocolate.
shhhh, my husband doesn't know
One more for today.
I have a date once a month with my dad.
We've been having them since I was about 11.
I love my dad, he's awesome!
Marrianne and Suzie sent me over here to meet ya and cute blog and a way cute giveaway! Sign me up please.
I have green eyes that use to be blue. On a rare some one will say something about my blue eyes and that sort of shocks me because they are green since I got older.
I've just celebrated my one year blogging anniversay in Feb. Whoo hoo!
Hi my name is Gigi. I was named after my grandmothers nickname. Her real name was Garnetta. So glad I got the nickname.
I taught Early morning Seminary of and on for a totla of 10 years. I am still sleep deprived 3 years later!
I love sewing but can only do it when I am in the mood.
I can lead music but can't read it. Silly me.
Happy anniversary! So cool! Your blog is very fun...love the music and so do my kids!
Interesting fact about me
I got married at eighteen, six months after high school graduation! It really was a hard few years...I needed to grow up and my husband...well he says boys never really grow up, but he grew a little...maybe they grow wide!
Hey Mikki!
Happy blogiversary!!! I'm so happy for you. and your give-away is a great idea.
I don't need to be entered since I'm been lucky enough to win one of your previous give-aways. (Which I use on a regular basis, BTW)
I did give you a little plug on my blog today though, so I hope it will bring you a couple new readers.
Yahoo! Another fact about me...
I l♥ve shoes :)
This is so much fun... Here is another fact about me...
I l♥ve my sleep :)
And another fact.. I l♥ve friendship! My friends are precious to me! And you are one of them my sweet friend! Hope you have a great weekend! ♥ Hugs :)
Count me in! I love that saying. It's all about the chocolate.
And of course, I love chocolate!
Oh! Random thing about me (besides loving chocolate): I have a third nipple.
I sucked my thumb until I was 9 years old. My mother tried everything to get me stop, even slathering it with this icky tasting stuff, but I still sucked it.
Just did a post about your blogiversary. Hope you don't mind I picked up two photos to put in my post. Linked ya 2 times.
Man I gotta step it up a notch if I'm gonna win.
-I hate the feel of cotton balls, especially the ones on the top of medicine bottles.
I am a very impatient and aggressive driver.
I eat ketchup with my steak. I didn't know till I was an adult that this was embarrasing. I had never had steak sauce as a kid.
When people talked about taking castor oil to induce labor, I thought they were talking about the motor oil. I didn't get it right until I almost tried it to induce Cole!
Random fact,... I make awesome bird noises, when kids are fussing in the store I walk by and make the noise, they stop crying pretty much every time.... yes, I am the baby whisperer
Okay, I just linked to you.
And here's random. I lie about my age.
Happy blogaversary!
Random fact about me: I bruise easily. It's almost a family joke, because half the time I have no idea how that big ugly splotch got on my thigh/calf/forearm/bicep.
Well, If you're going to have me enter, I'll really enter then:
I have a home library that includes more than 200 books. -I hate checking books out from the Library.
I met my husband in a mall.
There are 503 things that I would rather do than clean my house.
I love to exercise, but very rarely do it.
Are you regretting your decision yet?
(I like to be a smart alec.)
I love ya.
came over from Jan's blog!
Congrats on the blogiversary!!!
random fact about me:
My husband was my High School Sweetheart.
Just hooked you up over at my site with a link back to you!!! Count me again!!
another randon fact:
I love greek salad! Yummy!
I'm laughing at Sher's comment!
Random fact? I saw aliens once. Really I did.
I'm totally not making that up either.
Another random fact: I slept in a haunted castle in Scotland once. It was major spooky.
random fact: fell off a cliff rock repelling once. I got hurt. It was scary.
What a fun way to celebrate your blogging anniversary. Here is my random fact. My husband and I met at Victoria's Secret-long story!:)
I have an outrageous story, but it's not G rated and it involved a headstone.
Previous comment...I was young and very stupid
I love hats! I wear baseball caps all weekend.
I was an EMT for 7 years. We pulled up to a drive through ATM for my partner to get cash and I turned on the siren just for laughs. It was hysterical
I absolutely dispise love songs
I cross my eyes when people annoy me. It catches them off gaurd and they usually stop. HAHA
I crack myself up!
Does that count as 2?
When I was a kid I ate peanutbutter and mayo samiches,
DISGUSTING now but I loved them then.
I broke my wrist running from a wasp.
last one for today, I promise...wait no I don't.
The first and last time I went to a haunted house, I pee'd my pants.
I have a freckle in my right eye!
I used to have a tied down tongue, but when I worked for a dentist last year, he clipped it for me. It hurt so bad afterward!
When my husband and I first met, he was totally annoyed by me. I however thought he was drop dead gorgeous and really liked him. As you can see, things changed and it all worked out. :)
If it is sunny outside, I will instantly be happy, even if I have had a crappy day!
I LOVE high heels. I would wear them anywhere if it was feasible. Well, I guess I should just say that I love shoes in general, but especially high heels
Wow--I spent 30 minutes just reading everyone's random facts!! Love that Pancake is the baby whisperer!
My random fact--hmmm--I worked on a dude ranch in Wyoming one summer.
My dad was my high school track coach and I loved it. We had a blast!
I love cooking but I hate deciding what to make for dinner. Seriously, such a dilemma in my life.
Oo--OOo--I just thought of another--I helped steal all the flags off a golf course one night--
Hey girl. I linked you up...
Random fact. Dallin amp Ashley is a cousin to Amy J.
How cool is that :)
Thanks Jan :) I just linked you up too!
DID SOMEBODY TYPE THE WORD CHOCOLATE? I felt the chocolate vibration all the way over to my blog....chocolate? WHERE???
Nice giveaway...and it has the magic elixer...so please count me in!
Holy Comments Batman.
random fact: I am the youngest of 5 and a mom of 5
random fact: I had my first baby when I was 30.
random fact: my husband is 6 years younger than me
Let's see... a random fact about me... I work a lot of hours! I would love to win this giveaway!
I love Botox!
I run cold water from the sink over my feet before I get in the bed. Especially in the summer but even in the winter most nights.
And if I get a pedicure, I ask for NO soap and Ice water only!! Funny how when I walk in they alway remember me and laugh behind my back in a strange language. "NO sop, I wataa, hahaha!"
I hate turnip greens, collard greens and mustard greens. I will not cook them for my husband who loves them. His mama and aunts feel sorry for him and always bring him a mess (bowl) when they cook some.
Cout me in! What a lovely idea.
The random fact about me is that I don't like peas.
hmmm... the smell of mayo makes me really sick... so i can never eat it even though everyone claims it tastes good!
what a fun giveaway!
I sold sewing machines in college and bought one from myself. I still have it and it sews beautifully, nothing fancy just a great sewing machine. I was a good salesman.
Happy Blogiversary!!!!! Hmmm...random fact huh?!
I've swam with a green sea turtle in the wild, a dolphin but I still want to swim with a great white...cage included of course!!!
You don't know me. Came over via Jan's blog. Happy anni-blogsary.
Random fact? I was waiting for my husband near the church office one time and this old man came over talked to me and I was like oh,no I'm tired I don't want to be nice and friendly, but outwardly I tried to still be friendly. Then my husband arrived and said, "Hello, Elder __" and it was one of the apostles! And my jaw dropped to the floor. Was I glad I wasn't snooty.
Hello Mikki! Congrats! I am happy you blog. :) Keep it up!
so,.. random fact...
.. um, before I met Daniel....I was caught making out with a guy by about 100 navy seals in the full gear and everything. yah- it was quite the experience.
LOve you!
Another hello-
more randomness,...
I used to love hanging upside down on the bars by my knees of the NYC subway with my friends.Maybe Ill post a pic of it one day soon. Totally sober but maybe a bit high on pixy stix and other sources of sugar.
Because I love those marshmellows ,...one more,.. 4 now ....
I used to play tea party with my little sister when we were little girls(probably like 6&7). We would take bread and smush it into little balls and lick them to get sticky then re cover them with more bread and feed it to my older siblings. gross right? They still don't know. hehehe
shhhh. don't tell.
This year my birhtday is on Easter :)
I used to play the tuba, yupp the biggest instrument of all.
I am crazy obsessed with Carebears and Dora!!!
I also love to bake and am in love with cuppycakes as yes I do say the word cuppycakes :)
My husband's company was having their summer party and booked Chubby Checker for the entertainment. I had a blast and danced on the table...My husband was mortified, but I had a great time! HA
I love naked.....juices (what were you thinking? PERV!) HAHA
I did all the financials for my church, but when I recently lost my job they assigned it to someone else. They said they wanted me to be above suspision.
After 3 years you'd think I'd be anyway...Oh well
I'm glad I don't have that to worry about while I'm moving and job hunting and making purses for my upcoming show.
I make purses, come on over an have a peek!
I love "Jesus Freak" by dc talk
I love V's chocolates
We have a dog named Harley because we can't afford for my husband to buy a real one. HAHA
Sorry, but that cracks me up!
Sorry I have to leave the computer for a minute.
Harley just passed gas and I'm about to hurl!
OOOOH, 128 comments! It's ON you multiple random fact-ers.
I secretly hope this illness puts me in the hospital so that I can have a proper nap.
Fact: I have stared at an empty comment box for about five minutes trying to think of something random about myself.
Fact: I spend more time correcting mistypes than I actually do leaving comments.
Fact: I wish I had paid attention in High school typing class.
Bonus Fact: I spent my son's birthday party watching the clock today. I had a WOUND UP group of kids, plus my own four to handle all on my own for a little over 2 hours. While recovering (regretfully-- see fact # 2).
Bonus Fact: I too am not overly fond of word veris (because, see fact# 3).
Mikki :)
oh my goodness..... so many people have entered!!!
ok another random face about me:
i love diet coke
yooo hooo...
it's me again margaret :)
{see i remembered that song!}
another random fact:
i am scared to death to get a pap smear and i am like 3 years over due
my favorite color is blue
random fact:i'm afraid of the dark (hey you dont know whats out there)
Random fact: i'm addicted to this website called poptropica.
Random fact:i watch playhouse disney
evry time i think about biting a cloth or see someone bite a cloth i get chills down my back.:*
How fun is this!
Random fact: I have gone bungee jumping...
Hi! I'm new here...
But, I will try and come back and visit even if I don't win that cute box ( I love boxes!),,I will also try and post this giveaway on my own blog soon..will come back and let you know..
A fact about me..I have never died my hair..
Okay..another fact about me..other than I really would love that box! LOl
I am double jointed..I can pick things up with my toes, can pinch with my toes too..Ewww...I know..I know but I it is something I can do...
congrats on your blog birthday or your BLIRTHDAY! woot woot!
Random fact.
sometimes I gag in the morning when I brush my teeth. My brush will happen to hit the back of my tongue just right and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh, and the entire house knows I'm about to toss my cookies.
i wasnt going to do this but I like leaving random facts about myself.
sometimes I get carried away when trimming the forest and mow it all down. So, I guess I can't blame Mr. Incredible for his chainsaw masacre on our bushes by the porch.
here's another random
I am an insomniac. That is why I am posting at almost 2 in the morning!
I will come back with another random when I put your post on my blog!
here's another random
I am an insomniac. That is why I am posting at almost 2 in the morning!
I will come back with another random when I put your post on my blog!
Sometimes, I tend to give TOO MUCH INFO!
I was in high school for five years.
I was arrested when I was 14 years old.
I served a 19 month mission (to the day) in Denver Colorado
I make the best carrot cake, ever!
I'm in the middle of moving
I snuck to get on the computer to put these facts in.
Today is a day my husband annoys me.
I love the man, but holy cannoli's stop telling what to do. We've moved 14 times in 22 years of marriage. I think I have a clue!
K, done venting! LOL
In high school I threw up on my boyfriend (not my husband)
He deserved it! LOL
I'm cranky when I don't get enough sleep.
I didn't get enough sleep last night! LOL
My mother would KILL me if she saw her house right now!
I was expelled from high school for super glueing the lock dials on the lockers.
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Love this, what a fun giveaway!
Random fact: I've been bitten by a black widow spider!
Random fact 2: I hate the sound of styrofoam, like nails on chalkboards!
Random #3, my husband is doing this dishes now so I'll stop blogging, haha!
random #4: I was an hour late to church today because I didn't know about DLS!! Eeek!
Random #5...I am conversational in Russian and Chinese.
Well, I think that should do it, I hope I win!! :)
I'm eating a kit kat...and I don't share chocolate very well.
I love Casting Crowns!
Hmm, random fact...my diet consists of mostly Diet Coke and sweets. There's just no sense in eating anything else in my opinion.
I added a link to your blog to my blog:
Hmm...another thing about me is..I have broken the same foot 3 times...
Ooops..forgot to leave my blog link: http://terryspaperpantry.blogspot.com/
Another thing about me...I very forgetfull...
Count me in!
Thanks for the email. I think I might have already joined in, so cancel this if I doubled up.
169 Entries!!! You are such a popular girl. Maybe you can give me some tips on how to gain some readers. I love your give away! So cute and so cool to have so much of your personality in your give away. One random fact about me. I have never seen a star wars movie.
Heres hoping 170 is a lucky number. I love egg salad sandwiches and have tried them at most of the deli's in SLC.
May Canadians enter?
Random fact: I can bend my left thumb backward far enough to touch my wrist.
I want to try to win so bad, so here is another random fact
In high school some guys in my art class nick named me "Laura Ingalls" because they thought I looked like her. Sad thing is that lots of people started calling me that. So there were a few people that I think did not really know my name.
ok so I think I'm a slacker because this is my first comment to enter your giveaway. But oh well better late than never right?!
Random Fact: I am very anal about how the dishwasher is loaded. If someone else loads it I HAVE to fix it before I can start it.
ok now I'm trying to get caught up...
Random Fact:
I CANNOT spell
Random Fact:
I used to work at a golf course, and that's where I met Matt (my hubby)
Random Fact:
I do not like chocolate...I know that's crazy huh!?
Random Fact:
I always wanted all boys and one girl...now I have all girls and one boy
Random Fact:
I am a facebook addict. I just got a new phone that I can check it on and I am soo happy!!
random fact: I love to make my own blog backgrounds and headers
Last one for today I promise.
Random Fact:
I have listened to the Tinkerbell movie more times than I have seen it. I blame that on car DVD players and kids who will only be quiet in the car when a movie is on. :)
Oh and I posted about this on my blog.
I started walking at 10 months. Hopefully our children have the same luck :)
When I was 3, I sat down at the piano one day and just started playing, note by note, I am a Child of God. My mom thought I would be a master pianist one day. I quit piano lessons after 6 months. . . I regret it to this day!
I was 5' 2 3/4" until my senior year of high school and then finally, I hit 5' 3". And that's where I've stayed :)
Ok, this is more a random fact about my husband, but he has been playing the violin since he was 3 and can also play the guitar, piano and he sings. I know. I got lucky. :)
When I was in 8th grade, I did long jump for track and field and I jumped 17' 1". I didn't jump that far again until my junior year in high school. I think it was a fluke. :)
I sang with my jazz choir, 10th Avenue, in Hawaii at the Alamoana Shopping center. They have a stage in the middle of the mall that people perform on all the time. It was really fun!
I lived in New Jersey for a month with my Sister and Brother-in-law one summer. It was a 45 minute train ride into New York City and it was so much fun!
when I was 15, I broke my ankle and had a hot pink cast. (And I mean HOT PINK!)
On that same note, I attended a Phil Vasser concert while I had that cast on and he signed it. He also called me, "sweetie" as he was signing it. I fell in love. :)
I am the youngest of 6 children
I am going to keep telling random facts until I get to 200 comments...
I love the movie "Goonies" Chunk is my favorite.
I can even do the truffle shuffle (well not really) but I try.
I say every line with the movie, drives the hubby nuts. LOL
I've never been stung by a bee
Stubbing my toe makes me want to swear. In fact, don't tell, but I have sworn on many a toe-stubbing occasion :)
I am currently obbsessed with the TV series The Secret Life of the American Teenager on ABC Family. Total drama and total teenie-bopper dumbness. Oh well
I hate the word "dude" really they should make an age limit law. You have to stop saying "dude at age 9 or you'll be stung by millions of angry wasps.
I broke my collar bone in 4 places during tumbling practice. OUCH!!
I love Coldstone ice cream
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