My girls start three weeks of track break on Monday, and I really need to spend time with them and get some house cleaning and organizing done--starting with their room. I know that blogger will be calling my name, but I'm committed to not just go through the motions, especially while I have them home all day for three weeks--since I have to work in the evenings and don't get to see much of them anymore, this will be precious time with them. (sorry for that run-on sentence) I want to give them my all.
So, I'm going to cut back the amount of time I spend on the computer for a few weeks at least. I'll still try to check in with all my blog buddies now and then, and maybe post a time or two about what we're doing. So, if you don't see much of me for a bit, that's where I'm at. Trying to be a better momma'.
I need to think of some inexpensive activities to do with them while they're taking break. Can't be ALL work. Any suggestions?

Kite flying! We love it! We also feed the birds, ducks and fish, where ever we can find them. I go to the bread store and get the old cheap stuff. Bike riding. $1.00 movies.
I'll miss ya seeing as I just got to know ya and now you know all that personal stuff about me. Just don't tell anyone about my toes, k?
Have fun and see ya soon!
Have a great time with the girls! Any craft project would be fun!
1. the URL above has hundreds of craft ideas w/ stuff you might have around the house.
2. do a 'lesson' on different house pets then go to the pet store and look at the animals you learned about
3. have them save their scraps from their plates after eating and go to the dinosaur park and feed the ducks
Have a great time Mikki.
I can totally relate. I've had to cut WAY back. I hope all my blogger buds don't think I've forgotten them! Enjoy the time with your girls :0)
I hope you have a fun track break with your kids. Enjoy the weather before it gets to hot!
You've always forgiven me for my vanishing acts, I can certainly be patient with you for doing what you should be-- You were talking to ME, right? ;-)
Happy blocation, kiss some happy little cheeks!
Good for you!! Let us know when you are back. Let us know what fun things you do!
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