So, it's not my cup of tea, but Jon loves Nascar. He totally lucked into two tickets this week through his work. So, he decided to take Ashley with him. I gotta' say, Haley took it really well. She REALLY wanted to go too, but there were no meltdowns about it. Of course, Jon promised her she gets to go next year (hopefully he'll be able to get tickets next year). So, they headed out this morning about 8:00.

They really enjoyed themselves. I wish I'd thought about sunblock though. When I got home from church, Ashley was passed out on the couch. Upon closer inspection, well, parts of her resemble a lobster. Her cheeks, forearms and the tops of her knees. Poor girl. Hope she doesn't blister. What kind of mom sends her kid out for hours in the sun with no sunblock? Duh!!!

Jons favorite driver--Kyle Bush. He won the race, made it that much sweeter for my Nascar fans.

Sweet Daddy/Daughter date, no?
Fun times! (And I sometimes forget about the sunblock too).
Vroom vroom to the good daddy. How fun.
Looked like so much fun!!!
My hairstylist was there this weekend, for Nascar. Not my cup of tea either!
Not my thing either but I am a HUGE proponent of doing whatever it takes for Daddy-kid bonding. Looks like they had a great time! Sunblock?? What is sunblock??!!
I just wanted to tell you congratulations on your recent temple attendance! I am so happy for you and all the wonderful things that are happening in your life. I am sure it is not all happy. Just like the rest of ours, but you have a great attitude that is inspiring!
Hi Mikki! That is so sweet. I love daddy daughter dates. My girls love them. Congratulations on your temple attendance too! That is very exciting! Sorry I have been such a stranger lately. Hope all is well.
What a fun day out for the 2 of them. It looks like they had a great time, except for the sunburn. I always forget to put sunblock on as well.
i bet that comment is from BLOG SPAM !.. i would delete it.
that is the Sweetest Daddy Daughter Date EVER!!! :)
i love all the great pictures, too! They look like that are so happy and having a blast!!!!!
i love that they have this time together nothing like building those precious memories! I live in the heart of Nascar and I am not a fan but my dad is.
Hope this time my post will go through.
I was catching up on your blog and I enjoyed the pics. Jason looks more like a little boy now and less like a baby. So cute.
just so you guys know i did blister...just on my chin though, it's starting to peel now.laters
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