Ah, I just love Monday's. yeah right.
Well, it is a good day because I don't have to work. And today, actually the house isn't a complete wreck. THere is a mountain of laundry to climb though. I dropped the kids off at school and came back home, was just about to walk out the door for a few errands when the phone rang. It's the school, telling me Ashley just threw up all over the place. Great. She said she didn't feel well this morning, but I just kind of blew her off, because she stayed up late last night. So, I assumed she was just tired. Nice job mommy! (sigh)
I saw Xmen Origins this weekend.
It was SO good.
Hugh Jackman.

Edited:(had to come back and add this picture,
Jon thinks it's better. He said, and I quote
"If I was gay, this is the picture I would fantasize about". )
Is it horrible to admit I fantasized a little about him last night? Not for too long though, Jon brought me to my senses. :)
Ok, sorry.
So, I have laundry in the washer, errands I can't run, and a sick daughter. Yay!
I did eat breakfast this morning. I usually skip it. I'm going to try to eat lunch too.
I'm beginning a new and exciting health plan today. Yay!!
Basically consists of 8 minutes each morning of some strength training exercise, and a hopefully improved eating plan. we'll see how it goes. I'm setting a goal for myself to lose 35 pounds by September.
Wish me luck!
We're going to Utah this weekend. It's my grandma's 92nd birthday, so I really want to be there for it. We're going to leave Thursday night when I get off work. I'm really looking forward to it.
I would love to get together with any blog buddies in the area. Maybe dinner Friday evening at a convenient EASY TO FIND (I don't know my way around the Salt Lake area) location.
What do ya' think?
Hope you all have a great Monday.
I might be able to do dinner on Friday. What part of the valley are you going to be in?
Have a great time in Utah!!
Wasn't Hugh Jackman just delicious???
I hope Ashley gets better soon.
I could come to dinner Friday night. I'd love to see you. Let me know where you'll be.
Don't you hate it when you send them to school and then you get THAT call...yeah I don't ever know when to keep them home or send them.
I hope she feels better soon.
i wish i could be in Utah!
i hope she gets better soon... poor thing. i know it is so embarrassing to throw up at school!
That is awful to get "that" call. You want to be sympathetic and you feel bad for your child but you have stuff that needs to get done.
Then you remember they grow up way too fast!
Hope she feels better soon ;D
Have A GREAT day!
poor ashley, that stinks. you sound like a busy lady, where do you get the time to blog???? :) if i don't get a chance to say it later, have fun this weekend!
I hope Ashley is better soon! And Happy Birthday to your Grandma - how awesome! Have a fun visit.
I'm going to be in SLC the 8th of JUNE...ugh! missed it by a month! Oh well.
BTW, if Hugh Jackman didn't remind me so much of my brother, I'd think he was pretty darn hot too!
Ya know he's gotta be hot if a straight guy can say that about him!!!
Not a bad mom. That happens to all of us. Especially when they're always saying they don't feel good just because they want to stay home.
Have fun in SLC! My grandpa is 92. Maybe we can set them up?
Good luck with the diet. It's hard I know. Especially when you just want to live on dessert like me.
how is Ashley feeling today?
Hugh Jackman.....Mmmmmmmmmmm, good photos.
Like you have sent a child to school only to have to bring them home again sick.
Hope your trip is a good one.
Have a wonderful and safe trip! So wish I could visit with all yall. Have a fantastic time.
"Nice job mommy! (sigh)"
Yes...I think you should be ashamed of yourself. Yep Shaaaaaaame on you. I think there should be laws against you so you would be sentenced to public spanking for "blewing her off".
At least you're taking good care of the kids that really counts: the twins. Yeah, you know, they're boys so they're worth much more.
See? You're not really a horrible person. And this is only a sample of what I can be.
I am so behind on reading my fav blogs! You already had the flu and got better--yikes!
Hope you have fun in Utah--how come no one's Grandma lives in Montana? We have so many Senior Citizens--I know someone's Grandma lives here!
The PHONE CALL. Yeah--I get the "what kind of Mother sends her kids school to sick look and then when you keep them home I get the parent teacher conference that says she is missing too much school.....
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