Yaay! I finished it. I didn't redo the lining. I made it work. I placed a piece of fabric around the rim and sort of tucked the outside part just a bit so it would work. Sorry if that makes
no sense.

Sister Boyd's comments gave me the idea to put a little pocket inside for holding pencils or whatnot.

I think it will make a cool scripture tote. I think that was a terrific idea. Thanks Sister Boyd.

so perhaps you'll see me sporting this to church on Sunday....actually, I probably won't carry it around until I get beyond using the diaper bag, or the boys start walking. It's too hard to carry one bag and two boys, forget about two bags and two boys.
So, I like the thought of creating cute scripture totes to sell. I just need to perfect the pattern. What do you think. Just one size--large and roomy for scriptures and church books, or a smaller size too, for just scriptures?
i love that!!!
and i want a SCRIPTURE TOTE!!!! if you do decide to make some, PLEASE announce it on your blog because I will order one!!!!!
Thanks Merrianne! I'll be sure to let you know.
thats neat. make any man colored ones?
I haven't yet, but I could. Good suggestion. Thanks!
you are very welcome for the idea, love the pocket for pens, that's perfect! those bags are adorable!!! i would do 2 sizes, if you want my opinion :) because my girls- well, kids- would need a smaller one... but me and other moms would want a slightly bigger one because we have manuals and snacks and stuff. hey, you could even branch out and do a BIG one for a diaper bag! :)
It's beautiful! I just love your sewing projects.
And while you're doing pockets, make sure one is for a cell phone - it's always nice to be able to find your phone when you need it! Good job - I think you've got a business ready to roll!
How pretty! I love it. I can't sew worth a lick.
I can't have just a scripture tote. I'm that chick who walks into church with a big ol bag that holds... (wait for it).... my manual, planner, scriptures, husbands scriptures, assorted pens, pencils and scissors (?) along with any other random items handed to me by people at church. It's kind of a whale of a bag... But, it get's the job done.
Love it~ You are so talented! These are great for kids to have for sacrament meeting too!
So cute. And yes, make a scripture sized one. Way cuter than any I've seen out there.
You're awesome!
That looks really nice as a scripture tote. I would think both sizes of bags would be nice!
hi mikki... 4 pm tomorrow is just fine! or your daughtet can give it to me (my daughter) sunday at church... whatever's easiest for you! :)
Very cute! I think I would make both sizes.
hi! no, the package isn't here yet and i am starting to get so antsy! i love getting mail (lame!) sometimes i fib too so i can use the media mail cuz it's soooooo cheap! i hope it comes today. i'll let you know.
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