She loves spiderman, superman, cars and boy clothes. I cannot get her to wear anything pink. If it come from the girls department, even if it's red or blue or black--it's a no go. The only time she will wear a dress is on Sunday, for church. Thank goodness we don't have to fight on this issue. Of course, it's usually her khaki colored jumper that she likes to wear every week. Occassionally I can convince her to wear her purple skirt and top, or the cute little scottie dog skirt I made for her sister a few years ago. Or, there's the puke green/brown colored skirt we found at the DI, that she'll wear.
Haley and I butt heads frequently. She is very opinionated, and very stubborn. Rather than ask me if I would do something for her, she often tells me what I have to do. We had to have a discussion about this finally. I'm the mom after all, and I am the one who gets to dictate.
Heaven forbid if Haley ever gets hurt, emotionally or physically. She doesn't cry, she wails. I just cringe whenever she starts up. It's very loud, and I am a very quiet person. People are usually lucky if they can hear what I say when I talk. So Haley is a bit of an adjustment for me I guess. She's loud in general too. What is quite strange is that she hates loud sounds. I'm not sure if it's because they startle her, or hurt her ears.
Haley is also very sweet and sensitive. She gives great loves.
She still likes to be tucked in at night, thank goodness. When she prays, instead of asking for things, she says "I hope" such and such will happen.
Loves to have her back scratched. She loves cheese--- cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, cream cheese, swiss cheese. Actually, I guess it's dairy in general. Mustn't forget milk, chocolate milk, sour cream and scrambled eggs.
I feel so bad sometimes, because she is essentially, the middle child. We didn't take any video recordings of her like we did her big sister. We have taken as many photographs I think, but we did lose a cd with like 1200 or so pictures on it, and many of those were her baby pictures. :o( (well, lose isn't the right word. The cd somehow got erased--never store your cd's in or on your hard drive) *sigh*
Haley wants to be a missionary. She loves to sing "I hope they call me on a mission".
She asked me if she could have her own blog last week, and I finally said yes. Hope it won't turn out to be a mistake. So far her entries consist of one liners like "my blog is awesome!!" and "my blog is so cool!!".
You can check it out here if you'd like. I'm sure she'd love to get some comments. (Thanks Merrianne, for your sweet comments there already.)
What a lovely tribute! You would never guess by that angelic face she's a wailer (we have one of those too-- ohmygosh, doesn't it clear a room?).
just checking to see if you got my address? thanks!
Yes! Totally clears the room.
Tracy: I'm sorry, I thought I emailed you back. But, yup, I got your email address. I'll be getting your package out in the mail today. Thanks again!!
YAY HALEY! and i love the Title of this post!! ha ha!!!!
Haley is a CUTIE PATOOTIE!!! an her blog is awesome!!! :)
Thanks Merrianne. That's actually my nickname for her. I'll start torturing her with a chorus of haleyooya's. poor kid.
I added you to my blog list! Your sweet daughter is too cute, love her blog! We just moved from Vegas last year..we were in the sunrise mountain area..near Hollywood and Lake Mead. My sister lives near the Cannery in NLV. I am lovin' your blog and the FHE blog!
Coolio! thanks mamahood. I'm not too far from the Cannery. I'm going to go add you to my list too. I've been needing to update it for a while now. Maybe today's the day.
Love the sweet tribute! Haley is one of my favorite kids in the primary. And honestly I would've never known she was loud. Everytime I see her she is really quiet. I'll never forget how she always helped me wrangle up Trevor a few years ago at the school. She is just a fun girl!
What a great post. She sounds like a such great kid. I was sick for you when I read about the 1200 pics. That would have broken my heart!
that is such a cute idea, a tribute to your daughter... she's so cute! and i love that she's opinionated and stubborn, a lot of people think those are bad things--i really, really don't. it's good to have a backbone and stick by what you think, that's an awesome quality to have... and one not found too often. (i even think it's good for girls to be a little bossy, that way no one bosses them around) :) yeah for haley!!
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