So, thanks again Merrianne!
So here's how this goes:
Pick 7 Blogs that you think deserve this award.
Link to them on your blog, then visit their blog and let them know you've given them an award.
Everybody else, please don't think I don't think you're worthy of this, because I do. There's just too many of you.
1. Lemon Annie this is a really pretty blog about pretty things. Plus I won a contest here. Check out her etsy page if you get a chance. She has some adorable frames and clipboards.
2. The Shabby Princess--an adorable girl, and a great writer. I love her blog.
3. In the Gutter-I'm enjoying reading about her adventures in jolly old England while her husband serves our country over there.
4. Sher the love--a lovely lady who is also very talented. Check out her beautiful music here, and leave her a comment if you can.
5. Tracy's Tree House--she won my giveaway, and now I'm enjoying learning more about her.
6. The Mama Hood--a pretty polynesian princess and her beautiful family.
7. Cheryl-Lynn used to live in our ward, we'd go walking together. I was so happy to find her blog so we could keep in touch. She is mom to two cute, cute little guys.
Since I'm only supposed to give this to 7 people, I'm also going to give this one:
to everyone who comments on my blog. This was designed by Merrianne. isn't it pretty? She's very talented.
I'm giving this to everyone who comments on my blog, because when you do, it really does bring me joy. Thank you for all your sweet words and encouragement. You can do with this whatever you want. Hopefully though, you'll post it on your blog and also send it on to those who bring you happiness.
Have a great weekend!
Aaaawww! Thanks so much! You just made my day!!
You are So Sweet MIKKI!!! I mean THAT!!!! :)
I appreciate all the visits and comments you leave on my blog! I've added to you to my Fave Blog list! Thank you for being a new friend.
GEEZ! Thanks Mikki! What a nice surprise! I am so lucky to have found your wonderful blog! Have a nice Sunday! I better get off and go get the kids ready for church! Wow--A pretty princess with a beautiful family...why thank you! *blushing*
Mikki, thanks for stopping by & leaving me a note! So nice to meet you & I hope you'll come back. I couldn't decide which of your blogs to leave a note on, but this one looked good.
Yeah and I want to let you know that my little cannabis story really made my RS presidency laugh.
Do you think I should bring those for Halloween?
Back and then: Yeah, I'm sure they'd be a hit. LOL
it's been fun getting to know you too! it has been kind of a therapy for me to write stuff down and to read about other people's lives. thanks for the kind words.
Congratulations on your blog awards. You deserve them. I am enjoying getting to know your blogs and have been visiting to catch up on them whenever I can.
You are too kind-- really, I feel very honoured to be on your list. Thank you, you made my day.
Thank you so much for thinking of me and your nice comments. I really appreciate that!!! I don't feel worthy of it at all, but, thank you very much. :)
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