Anyway, she said some of the sweetest things about me, I think I'm blushing!
Jia created this award, and I am finding that she is hysterical. You really ought to go check out her blog.
So, here are the rules for this one:
1. If you receive the "Rock on Sistah Friend" award, you must post the button on your blog(in sidebar or in a post), and link back to Color Me Untypical.
2. Let Jia know if you receive the award from someone, so she can add you to her Sistah's Who Rock Blogroll, and give them her personal "Rock On Sistah Friend!"
3. In the post on your blog, you must give the award away to 3 other Sistah's who you think rock. Post links to their blogs, why they rock, and post the rules to the award. Also, let them know you've given them the award so they too can celebrate themselves and pass on the love.
Now, let me tell you, it was tough to narrow it down to just three people. There are a ton of deserving blogs/bloggers that I like to visit. But, here are three for now.
1. Jamie B. is such a cool person. She's so sweet and friendly, has two adorable--a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e. little girls. She is sooooo smart. If you have a technical question, more than likely she can answer it.
2. LaDawn, I met through the blogosphere, she's the wonderful mom of two really, really cute little boys. She decorates beautiful cakes. I'm so jealous of her talent.
3. And Rebecca, she is so cute. Livin it up in L.A. ( I think it's L.A.) She has been on a quest for good health, and she's passing along some great information in the process.
So, there you go. Thank's to everyone out there for being so inspiring!!! I truly enjoy peeking into your lives through your blogs.
1 comment:
Thanks Mikki! So cute :) I promise I haven't forgotten - I'm just swamped. I'll get to my cute tags you left for me shortly. I'm madly working on a 1st birthday party cake so as soon as it's done, I'll be able to catch up on my blogging stuff.
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