
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm in big trouble now!

Ok, I was just blog surfing and found out that Stephanie Meyer has decided to put a book that she's been working on, on the internet for us to read before it gets published. Apparently, the book, "Midnight Sun"--which is "Twilight" from Edwards point of view is still in the works, got leaked somehow, so she has decided to just put it out there, rather than all her fans having to make the decision whether to be honest or not.
This must be so disappointing for her. She say's on her site that she can't even finish it at this time.
So, here's the link to her site, where you'll find the link to the book. I just read the first 16 pages, and had to stop myself. I need to go to bed.
I'm in for it now though, knowing I can access this on the computer. I see another day of very little being accomplished around my house. Hope the kids are on their best behavior tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

that is so cool!!! isn't it!!!!

by the way....♥ I have an award for you over on my blog :)

imbeingheldhostage said...

I started reading this while reading the "fourlogy". Loved it! I think it's a shame she's not going to finish it and publish it-- even after downloading it, I would still buy it. She may just have to get over the anger of it (and shock) first, the desire to finish it may come back.

tammy said...

Thanks for reminding me! I had read her post, too, but then got busy and forgot! Now I have something to read, but I'm also sad for her and that she has no plans to print it.

The Foulgers said...

It makes me sad that she won't put it into print. I kind of want to read it, but at the same time I feel bad! I'm sure I'll at least need to take a peek!:)